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Indemnity Given To Bank For Issue Of A Duplicate Bank Draft



The Branch Manager



Dear Sir,

In consideration of your agreeing to issue me a duplicate of Demand Draft No. ………………… on …………………Bank …………………for Rs………………… (Rs…………………only) and issued in my favour, which has been lost or misplaced by me, I hereby agree to hold you (the……………Bank), your successors, assigns, servants and agents harmless and indemnified from and against all consequences that may arise from the…………………Bank so issuing me a duplicate of Bank Draft and from the payment by…………………the Bank of the original and from and against all losses, charges and expenses in connection with said bank draft or duplicate and I, the said…………………            further undertake to deliver to the bank the said original bank draft if and when found.


Dated at ........... this…………………day of…………………20……

.........................                                                               Yours faithfully




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