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Deed of Relinquishment


This deed of relinquishment is made on this......................... day of ......................... 19......................... by Shri/Smt......................... son/wife of ......................... and daughter of......................... deceased residing at.........................

Whereas it has been agreed between all the members of the family that I should relinquish all my rights, interest and share in the property as described my mother.


That I......................... wife of......................... and daughter of......................... deceased relinquish all my rights, interest and share in the property as described in favour of my mother Smt.......................... and hereby declare that I shall have no claim, right, interest or title in the property mentioned in the Schedule hereto and that the said Smt.......................... my mother shall be the sole owner of the property mentioned in the Schedule hereto and I accordingly hereby release my interest of all kinds whatsoever in the said property.

In witness whereof I have signed this Deed of relinquishment in the presence of my husband the witnesses whose signature are subscribed below on the day, month and the year above-written.

Witnesses                                                                                                                    Executant




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