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Administration Bond By Guardian Under Section 34, Guardians And Wards Act


Administration Bond By Guardian Under Section 34, Guardians And Wards Act


In the matter of the Guardianship of   minor KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that we­ A son of             resident of       and B son of    resident of

.........   and C son of   resident of       hereby bind ourselves jointly and severally to Shri    District Judge of ……….. to his successors in his office or his or their assigns in the sum of Rs ………….for the payment of which said sum of Rs …………. to be faithfully or truly made, we, the above named A, B and C bounden, bind ourselves, and our heirs, executors, administrators and representatives for the payment of the said sum of Rs …………. frmly by these presents


WHEREAS by an order of the court of District Judge of ............ made on the day of         20………. under section 15 of the Guardians and Wards Act, 1890, the above named A has subject to his entering into a bond in Rs ……. with two sureties in the same sum, .been appointed guardian of the movable and immovable property of D minor son of .............

AND WHEREAS the said A has agreed to enter in the above written bond and the said B and C have agreed to enter into the above written bond as sureties for the said sum of Rs .


Now we the said A and the said B hereby bind ourselves to pay to the district judge and his successors in office the said sum of Rs .          whenever demanded provided that and the condition of the Bond is that if the said A do and shall justly and truly manage the said estate and account whenever called upon to do so for what he may receive in respect of the movable and immovable property of the said Shri D, the minor, and shall carefully observe, perform and obey all  orders and directions of the said court of the District Judge of .............. touching or concerning the estate and effects of the said Shri D, the minor and his property and touching and concerning all such moneys and estates as the said A shall receive as such guardian and in all things conduct himself properly, then this bond shall be void and of no effect, otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect.


Signed and delivered by the above named parties at            on this ……….. day of………….20……..



1.                                                                                             ………..............


2.                                                                                             ....................



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